
Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Traveling around the World

The world around you is amazing! The big blue sky with the sun's rays shining through fluffy donut clouds.  Travelling and exploring new places is an incredible experience. Wouldn't you love to see the Great Wall of China,The Eiffel Tower or the Grand Canyon? I know I would!

Why do people travel? Is it just for a business meeting or to see the family? There are hundreds of reasons. My reason is, for being a tourist, exploring and enjoying learning about other countries and their cultures and traditions.  God made this incredible place for us to live in. Why don't we embrace it.  For some reason certain people seem to blinded by the beauty near them.

I have wonderful memories and stories of all these places. I dream of more places like those! They were all times of being with my family. However annoying and irritating they may be, its fun! Sometimes you find places near where you live and far far away in unknown lands to go and discover. Some of the most astonishing places are the unexpected and hidden places.

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