
Tuesday, December 25, 2012


A limerick is a poem consisting of 5 lines. The rhyming pattern is AABBA.  This means the first second and fifth lines rhyme. The third and fourth  lines have a different rhyming pattern. The lines also have syllable patterns. The first second and fifth have 8 syllables in each line, while the third and fourth have 5 syllables each.  Look at the example below.

There once was a Madame from France        
All the while she hoped she could dance.      
So she went to town.                                      
And left with a frown.                                      
Oh that beautiful lady from France.                

Here's a few more examples,

There once was a baby named Rory.
He was known as Mr. Gory.
He sucked on his thumb.
Until it was numb.
Now no one lives for his story.

There once was a tiger with stripes.
He ate strawberries so ripe.
Ran into a house
Scared away a mouse
Now he lives in a 3 foot pipe

There once was a baby named Joe
He  used to have one ugly toe
It spat out no pus
Scared away the bus
Now know one plays with his yoyo

For more inspiration visit

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